సైనికుడు వ్యాసం Soldier essay in Telugu

Soldier essay in Telugu సైనికుడు వ్యాసం: The greatest asset of any country is its soldiers. They protect the country’s citizens and are its guardians. They are selfless and put the nation’s interests above their own. Soldiers have one of the most difficult jobs in the world. Soldiers are expected to perform challenging tasks and have exceptional qualities to be great soldiers. Their lives can be very difficult. They still fulfill their obligations despite all the hardships.

Also called as: Essay about Soldier in Telugu, Sainikudu essay in Telugu.

soldier essay in telugu

సైనికుడు వ్యాసం Soldier essay in Telugu

Duties for Soldiers

The soldier’s duties are peaceful and the country can rest easily. A soldier’s first and most important duty is to serve his country without any selfish motive. Most people join the army to support their country and love their motherland. They know that they will face many difficulties, but they do it for their country.

A soldier protects his country’s honour. They don’t back down when faced with adversaries, but they do their best to give the best. They are happy to sacrifice their lives for the country no matter what. Soldiers must be alert at all times. He never goes off duty, no matter if he’s asleep or on the field, and he remains vigilant all the time.

The most important duty of a soldier is to preserve peace and harmony in the country. He is responsible for ensuring safety for all. They are always available in an emergency and guard the border. They are trained to manage any situation, whether it’s a terrorist attack or a natural disaster. They are responsible for bringing the situation under control.

The Challenges Facing Soldiers

It is difficult to be a soldier. They face hardships and difficulties that no normal person could ever endure. They spend a lot of time apart from their loved ones. They are often unhappy and don’t get holidays. They are always busy protecting the nation, even during festivals.

Soldiers must also undergo rigorous training in order to be able to fight in battle. They continue to do so despite the exhaustion and physical challenges. They don’t have enough food to live a normal lifestyle. They are sometimes sent to remote areas with no signal, while other times, they have to ration food.

They must also be able to cope with the most extreme weather conditions. They must be on the field, no matter what temperature it is. They don’t have enough bulletproof equipment to keep them safe. We can see how difficult it is for soldiers to defend their country.