గ్లోబల్ వార్మింగ్ వ్యాసం Global Warming essay in Telugu

Global Warming essay in Telugu గ్లోబల్ వార్మింగ్ వ్యాసం: Global Warming is a term that almost everyone knows. However, most people are still not sure what it means. Global warming is the gradual increase in temperature throughout the Earth’s atmosphere. There are many activities that have been slowly increasing the temperature. Global warming is rapidly melting our ice glaciers. This is both extremely dangerous for the earth and humans. Global warming is difficult to stop, but it can be managed. The first step to solving any problem is to identify the root cause. Understanding the causes of global heating is essential in order to solve it. This essay will discuss Global Warming and the solutions.

Also called as: Essay about Global Warming in Telugu.

global warming essay in telugu

గ్లోబల్ వార్మింగ్ వ్యాసం Global Warming essay in Telugu

Global Warming: Causes

Global warming is a serious problem that requires our full attention. Global warming is not caused by one cause, but many. These causes can be both man-made and natural. Natural causes include the release greenhouse gases, which cannot escape from the earth and cause the temperature to rise.

Global warming can also be caused by volcanic eruptions. These volcanic eruptions produce tons of carbon dioxide, which contributes to global heating. Global warming is also caused by methane.

The increased carbon dioxide levels can be caused by the use of fossil fuels and automobiles. Activities like cattle rearing and mining are also very damaging to the environment. Deforestation is one of the fastest growing problems.

This means that the largest source of carbon dioxide absorption will disappear and there will be no way to regulate it. Global warming will be the result. It is imperative to immediately take steps to stop global warming, and make the earth more beautiful again.

Global Warming Solutions

It is possible, although it may be difficult as it was stated previously. If combined efforts are made, global warming can be stopped. Individuals and governments must work together to achieve this goal. The first step is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

They must also monitor their gasoline consumption. Switch to a hybrid vehicle and lower carbon dioxide emissions. Citizens can also choose to carpool or use public transport. Recycling must be encouraged.

Consider carrying your own cloth bag when you shop. Limiting electricity use can be another option. This will reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The government must regulate industrial waste to prevent them from releasing harmful gases into the atmosphere. It is urgent that deforestation be stopped and that trees be planted.

We all need to realize that the earth is not well. We can make it better. It requires treatment. To prevent future suffering, the present generation must assume the responsibility for stopping global warming. Every little step is important in stopping global warming.