అవినీతి వ్యాసం Corruption in India essay in Telugu

Corruption in India essay in Telugu అవినీతి వ్యాసం: Corruption refers to any form of criminal activity, or dishonesty. It is an act of evil by an individual or group. This act can compromise the rights and privileges that others have. Additionally, corruption mainly includes activities such as bribery and embezzlement. But, corruption can occur in many different ways. People in high-ranking positions are most likely to be susceptible to corruption. Corruption is a sign of selfishness and greed.

Also called as: Essay about Corruption in India in Telugu, avineethi essay in Telugu.

corruption in india essay in telugu

అవినీతి వ్యాసం Corruption in India essay in Telugu

Methods to Corruption

First, bribery is the most widespread form of Corruption. Bribery is the misuse of favors and gifts for personal gain. There are many types of favors. Favors include gifts, company shares and money. Personal gain can also include giving preferential treatment or overlooking crime.

Embezzlement is the act of withholding assets in order to steal them. It can also be done by one or more people who were given these assets. Most importantly, embezzlement can be considered a form of financial fraud.

Corruption is everywhere, and graft is one example. It refers to the illegal misuse of a politician’s authority for personal gain. A popular method of graft involves misdirecting public money for the benefit politicians.

Another major form of corruption is exortion. This is the illegal acquisition of property, money, or services. This is done by coercing people or groups. Extortion can be compared to blackmail.

The old form of corruption still used is nepotism and favoritism. This is when a person favors one’s family and friends over others for jobs. This is a very unfair practice. Many deserving candidates don’t get the jobs they deserve.

Another method of corruption is the misuse of discretion. This is when a person abuses his or her power or authority. A judge may unjustly dismiss a case against a criminal.

Influence peddling is the final method. This is illegally using one’s influence with the government and other authorized people. It can also be done in order to receive preferential treatment or favors.

How to Stop Corruption

A government job with a higher salary is one way to prevent corruption. Many government employees earn very low salaries. To meet their expenses, many government employees resort to bribery. Therefore, salaries for government workers should be higher. High salaries could reduce motivation and encourage bribery.

Another way to curb corruption is to increase the workforce. Many government offices have a high workload. This creates an opportunity for government employees to slow down their work. These employees resort to bribery to get work done faster. This is why it is possible to eliminate the opportunity for bribery by hiring more employees at government offices.

For the prevention of corruption, it is important to have tough laws. To stop corruption, it is essential that the guilty are punished with harsh sentences. It is essential that strict laws are implemented quickly and efficiently.

It is a great way to stop corruption at work by installing cameras. Many people would avoid Corruption out of fear of being caught. These individuals may have also engaged in Corruption.

Inflation must be controlled by the government. Many people feel that their incomes are too low because of the rising prices. This increases corruption among the masses. To sell their goods at higher prices, businessmen raise their prices. A politician also supports them because of the benefits they receive.

Corruption is a major evil in society. This evil must be eliminated quickly. Many people are suffering from corruption. We can hopefully eradicate corruption with consistent social and political efforts.